What is Self-Hosting Explained [Article #9]

What is Self-Hosting Explained [Article #9]

What does self-hosting actually mean?

Self-hosting refers to the practice of hosting and managing your own online services or applications on your personal server or hardware, rather than relying on external or third-party providers. When you self-host, you have greater control over the software, data, and privacy of your digital activities.

This means you can set up and maintain your own email, website, or other online tools, reducing dependence on external companies. Self-hosting allows individuals and organizations to have more autonomy and ownership over their online presence.

Why do people self-host media/applications?

People choose to self-host media or applications for various reasons, often centered around control, customization, and privacy. By self-hosting, individuals and organizations can have greater control over their digital content and services.

They can tailor the setup according to their specific needs, modifying features and configurations to suit their preferences. Additionally, self-hosting allows for increased privacy, as users retain ownership and management of their data, reducing reliance on external platforms that may collect or monetize personal information.

Furthermore, self-hosting can be a cost-effective solution for those who prefer to invest in their own infrastructure rather than subscribing to external services. While it requires technical knowledge and effort, self-hosting empowers users to shape their online experiences according to their preferences and values.

What do people commonly self-host at home?

  1. Media Servers: Individuals often self-host media servers to store and stream their collections of movies, TV shows, and music, providing a personalized and accessible entertainment hub at home.

  2. Photo-Sharing Platforms: Self-hosted platforms for sharing photos allow users to manage and share their visual memories while maintaining control over privacy and data.

  3. Video Streaming Platforms: Self-hosted video streaming services enable users to organize and stream videos on their terms, avoiding reliance on external platforms for content delivery.

  4. Personal Websites/Blogs: People self-host personal websites or blogs, providing a platform for self-expression, creative projects, or sharing information without relying on third-party hosting services.

  5. File Storage and Sharing: Self-hosted file storage solutions allow individuals to manage and share documents, files, and data securely within their own network.

  6. Email Services: Some individuals prefer self-hosting email services, gaining control over their communication infrastructure and reducing reliance on external email providers.

  7. Collaboration Tools: Self-hosted collaboration tools, such as project management or communication platforms, offer customization and control over workflow and data sharing within a team or organization.

  8. Calendars and Productivity Apps: Hosting calendars and productivity applications allows users to manage schedules and tasks independently, fostering greater customization and control.

  9. Chat and Messaging Services: Self-hosted chat and messaging services provide an alternative to external messaging platforms, giving users control over their communication channels and data.

  10. VPN Servers: Hosting a Virtual Private Network (VPN) server allows individuals to enhance their online privacy and security by creating a private network for secure internet browsing from their own server.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-hosting?

Advantages of Self-Hosting:

  1. Control and Customization: Users have complete control over their infrastructure, allowing for tailored configurations and customization to meet specific needs.

  2. Privacy and Security: Self-hosting provides enhanced privacy as users manage their data and have control over security measures, reducing reliance on external entities.

  3. Cost Savings: Over the long term, self-hosting can be cost-effective, as users avoid subscription fees associated with external hosting services by investing in their own hardware.

  4. Independence from Third-Party Services: Users are not dependent on external platforms, reducing the risk of service interruptions, changes in terms of service, or unexpected data handling policies.

  5. Learning Opportunities: Self-hosting encourages individuals to develop and improve technical skills, gaining a deeper understanding of server management, networking, and related technologies.

Disadvantages of Self-Hosting:

  1. Technical Complexity: Setting up and maintaining a self-hosted system can be challenging, requiring technical expertise that may be beyond the capabilities of some users.

  2. Maintenance Responsibilities: Self-hosting demands ongoing maintenance tasks, including software updates, security patches, and troubleshooting, placing a burden on the user's time and attention.

  3. Initial Setup Costs: While self-hosting may save money in the long run, there are initial costs associated with purchasing and setting up hardware and software, which can be a barrier for some users.

  4. Potential for Downtime: If not properly managed, self-hosted systems may experience downtime, impacting accessibility and reliability, especially for those without robust backup and redundancy measures.

  5. Limited Support: Compared to professional hosting services, self-hosting may lack the immediate and comprehensive support available from dedicated support teams, making problem resolution more challenging for users.

What do I (P R Harshith) self-host currently?

Sometimes i'll self-host using a paid VPS from Hostinger or running it locally on my Ubuntu 23.04 machine. Currently, I'm learning to use Docker for these tasks. I mainly use these setups to host Jellyfin (for media), Navidrome (music server), FileBrowser (file management), Remote Access VPN, Immich, and a Minecraft server. They help me stream media, manage music, organize files, securely access my network, and run a Minecraft gaming server when needed.

I personally manage my entire music library, consisting of over 1000+ EDM songs, through self-hosting. All the tracks are in CD-Quality FLAC(Free Lossless Audio Codec), ranging from 16/44 to 24/44 bits. My decision to move away from [MUSIC STREAMING SERVICE] was driven by its subpar audio quality, restrictions on downloads, and the annoyance of frequent ads and mainly the question "what if they go out of business and stop working!? ".

Instead, I opted for a paid app called "Symfonium," available on the Play Store for around ₹240 at the time of writing this. My music is stored on Google Drive, and the app seamlessly facilitates listening to and downloading my high-quality tracks.

Symfonium offers additional features like song caching and smart playlists, meeting my music needs perfectly. Although the transition from [MUSIC STREAMING SERVICE] in November 2023 involved a challenging learning curve in configuring and securing my self-hosting setup to prevent exposure to internet threats, the effort has been worthwhile. I've enjoyed the freedom and control that comes with self-hosting my music.


In conclusion, self-hosting provides individuals with the power to take control of their digital experiences. By managing their own servers or utilizing Virtual Private Servers (VPS), users can independently host various services and applications according to their preferences.

This approach offers customization, privacy, and freedom from dependency on external platforms. While self-hosting requires some technical know-how, the benefits include the ability to curate personal solutions, such as media servers, file management tools, and even gaming servers.

It empowers users to dictate the terms of their online presence, ensuring a tailored and secure environment for their digital activities. However, it's crucial to approach self-hosting with a commitment to learning and maintaining security measures to safeguard against potential risks. Overall, self-hosting stands as a rewarding option for those seeking autonomy and control in the digital realm.